Selfies (39 weeks)

Oct 10, 2013

Sadly, these are the best belly shots I could do myself and it's a crime to put them in here right after Wayne's pictures...but I am just so impressed by my belly that I hated not to capture something. No stretch marks yet, but as every good midwife knows, those can show up the day before labor. I know, I know, they are badges of honor, marks of motherhood, flames of power etc. I'd still like to avoid them.

I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks during the day - not painful, just suddenly very, very tight - and some real contractions at night. The nighttime ones wake me up and are uncomfortable, but are obviously not labor.

I have come up with some really good pillow configurations and on a good night I sleep until 5, get up to pee, stay awake for an hour or two worrying, then fall back asleep til 830 or so. On a bad night I wake up at 4 and can't sleep again until I take a nap at 11. The up side is, she is very active around 4 so we hang out.

And when all is lost, I read Anne Lamott.

 My boobs are MASSIVE!

 The belly of the beast

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