Couldn't have planned it better if I had tried... (12 weeks)

April 1, 2013

Oh, it was SO perfect! I mean, what are the chances that the day I had planned to announce my pregnancy would be April Fool's Day?

The plan had been that as long as my early genetic screening ultrasound looked perfect, I would let everyone know about the baby. And lo and behold, that appointment was made for April 1!

Jill came with me, in case there was any bad news, and we first met with the genetic counselor...which was a little hilarious. First I admitted to having had one glass of wine and two mimosas since conception, and so I had to hear about that. Then she asked me about the "partner's" history. I stared blankly at her while trying to come up with a one word correction for that, then gave up and started trying to answer questions about Joon's family.

Does he have siblings? Yes.
How many? brother?
Is he healthy? I think so.
How many children does he have? Errrrr...I think 2.
Are they healthy? I don't have any reason to believe otherwise.

And so on and so forth. I think  she was fairly unimpressed, and rightly so. I guess I just trust that Joon would have offered the information that he has a cretin brother who has been kept under a bed his whole life, or an uncle who is a werewolf, or Siamese twins on his dad's side.

After that came the ultrasound.  And there s/he was! You can see the little hand/fingers right up by the face.

The hands were up by the face the whole time (it looks like a little claw in the next picture), so it took a but of finagling to get him/her to move them a little, but all the markers for genetic issues were absent. S/he has a lovely nasal bone and a swanlike neck (nuchal fold was .78, normal is <3).

So here is the Facebook announcement I made:

There were many skeptics, and then all the people that knew this was in the works sending SO much love and congratulations. I enjoyed the level of confusion and chaos that ensued greatly :)
All in all, it was the best April Fool's Day ever.

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