Here comes the birthday/bride (35 weeks)

September  13, 2013

Today I turned 38. As I am still pregnant, this means I will have my first baby at 38 years old. That's old. Like legit old. Not that I'm old, but for a first time mom, yeah. Interestingly, the average age for first time moms in the US in 2011 was 25.6 years, up from 21.4 years in 1970. Also, Massachusetts has the highest average age at 27.7 years. So, yeah, I'm out there in that bell curve, but at least I'm in a state where plenty of moms look like grammas.

However,  I am right in the mainstream when it comes to being a single mama: in 2011 40.7% of births were to unmarried women.

Also today my baby sister got married to a wonderful man! It was such a beautiful wedding and I am so glad baby got to be there too. The Sommer family has seen some major demographic changes this year...April moved in with her boyfriend, Amalia got married, and I will be having a baby. It's so many things, but they are all good. Mol was very good about finding me a dress that I could wear while 35 weeks pregnant and that didn't break the bank (because, as she put it, I will literally NEVER wear this dress again). Actually all the bridesmaids looked so beautiful in basically the same dress, it was pretty amazing.

The bridesmaids and bride at the Calistoga Spa Hot springs -
 An amazing day of mud baths, hot tubs, and relaxing poolside with the ladies...pure heaven

Full of baby and large and in charge


The happy couple and wedding party

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